Where Can I Buy Wholesome Blends?


You can purchase Wholesome Blends online in various quantities through this website and the following Australian medical distributors:


Incontinence Products


Surgical House

Tubie Fun

All our distributors can also arrange NDIS quotes and offer various billing options for NDIS participants using their funding to make purchases.


For international orders, please contact us at admin@wholesomeblends.com.au for a personalised quote. We’re happy to help you get the nutrition you need, wherever you are!

How Do I Use Wholesome Blends?

Wholesome Blends is designed for Bolus feeding via an NG, Gastrostomy button, or G-tube. The Bolus method involves gently pushing the blend through your feeding tube using the syringe’s plunger. For the best experience, we recommend using a bolus extension set, which is free of right angles, and an o-ring style syringe, such as the ENFit Enteral Reusable Syringe. Be sure to wash your equipment well between uses and lightly spray the o-ring with olive oil after a few washes to keep everything running smoothly.

Are Wholesome Blends Designed to Be Nutritionally Complete?

Wholesome Blends are intended to be enjoyed just like any meal. While one pouch might not provide all the macro and micronutrients your body needs, it’s designed to complement your current feeding regimen, whether that includes commercially prepared formulas or your homemade tube blends. As we continue to expand our range, you’ll find more Wholesome Blends products that offer a variety of nutrients—just like a balanced diet of whole food meals

Can I Combine Wholesome Blends with My Own Blend Recipesin the Same Feed?


We often recommend families transition onto Wholesome Blends by starting with a small volume, then gradually increasing it by about 20% every three days until you’ve made a full transition. This allows the gastrointestinal tract and immune system to adjust to the change.

Are Whole Food Tube Blends Right for Me or My Child

Wholesome Blends is all about giving the tube-fed community more choice. While commercially prepared formulas are nutritionally complete and often life-saving, our blends offer an alternative for those who:

  • Are not immunocompromised or requiring admission to an intensive care or high dependency unit.
  • Are not 100% jejunostomy fed (please consult your dietitian if this applies).
  • Are not dependent on a continuous tube feeding regimen.
  • Are medically stable.
  • Are not experiencing weight loss (unless medically prescribed).
  • Are 12 months or older.
  • Can tolerate some flexibility in their feeding schedule.
  • Have the resources to purchase or safely prepare and store whole food blends.
  • Own or have access to a good quality, high-power/industrial strength food blender.

We strongly recommend a collaborative decision-making approach, ensuring your healthcare team is aware of your decision to move from 100% commercially prepared formulas. This way, they can continue to support you with ongoing, patient-centered care. Dietitians are the experts in nutrition and should lead these discussions.

Once you understand the commitment, planning, and preparation required for a blended diet, communicate this with your healthcare team. Request that they document your reasons for choosing a blended diet, your health status, and the steps you’re taking to implement it. This
documentation is key to being your or your child’s best advocate.

When Shouldn’t I Start Making My Own Blends?

Avoid starting homemade blends during times of illness or infection, decreased capacity, weight loss, or medical investigations. Also,don’t start if you’re having issues with the patency of your feeding tube, during periods of rapid growth, or if you’re not practically prepared (i.e., lacking the right equipment or resources).

What Do I Need to Know Before I Start Making My Own Blends?

Remember, it’s just food—something we all consume every day. Research as much as you can about your tubie’s needs, talk to other families, and trust yourself. Some key things to consider include:

  • The nutrition composition of the recipes you wish to use or your body’s basic needs such as daily energy, carbohydrate, protein, and fat requirements.
  • The availability of liquid and powder broad-spectrum vitamin and mineral supplements to improve the nutrient content of your blends.
  • The daily volume required for bolus feeds, the maximum capacity, and the digestion time.
  • A clear plan for the timing, starting volume, and frequency of feeds.
  • Food safety basics: how to clean your kitchen and blender, handle and store perishable foods, and thaw frozen blends safely. Many local councils offer Food Safety courses, and there are also online options available.
  • How you plan to store your blends if you’re not making them in bulk and freezing them.

What Do I Need to Get Started?

  • Suitable recipes, (Blended our cookbook is a great start!)or Wholesome Blends.
  • A feeding tube that is 12 French or larger (NG tubes can be used, but viscosity may be thinner and less calorie-dense; consult your dietitian).
  • A good quality, high-power/industrial strength food blender (we recommend Vitamix).
  • 60 ml syringes for bolus feeding and a bolus feeding extension set.
  • A system for labeling your containers with the date of preparation and the name of the blend.
  • A dish rack for air-drying utensils, blender parts, containers, and feeding equipment.
  • Separate cutting boards for meat and fruits/vegetables

Are There Any Foods That Shouldn’t Be Included in My Recipes?

Certain foods may increase the risk of tube clogging because they don’t blend well. While not exhaustive, here’s a guide:

  • Berries—especially blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries
  • String beans and celery (if not chopped finely enough)
  • Chia seeds
  • Pasta
  • Hard or old spinach
  • Tough mushrooms

Can I Use Herbs and Spices in My Blends?


Herbs and spices can add micronutrients, improve absorption, and aid digestion. If you or your child has a sensitive constitution, avoid highly spiced recipes containing onion and garlic powders, chili, pepper, and hot mustards.

What Is the Ideal Consistency of a Blend?

IDDSI levels 2-3 are ideal, providing a smooth puree that will cover a spoon and drip—thinner than cake batter.

What Are Some Good Additions to Thin a Blend?

Always use a nutrient-dense liquid to thin a blend, such as good quality chicken broth, fruit or vegetable juice, coconut milk, oil, cream, or milk (if tolerated).

What Are Some Good Additions to Thicken a Blend?

  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Potato
  • Sesame seeds or tahini
  • Almonds (in any form—raw, almond meal, or paste)
  • Amaranth flour
  • Oats

How Do I Store My Blends?

Unopened, Wholesome Blends can be stored in a dry, cool area (like a pantry) for up to 18 months from the manufacture date. Do not use past the best-before date. Once opened, reseal and refrigerate, and use within 24 hours.

When Will More Wholesome Blends Be Available?

We’re hard at work behind the scenes to develop a wider variety of blends to meet the diverse needs of the tube-fed community. We put great care into each recipe, from development to nutrition analysis to production. Thank you for supporting a small, Australian family-owned business

Still Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to us at admin@wholesomeblends.com.au or connect with us on facebook and Instagram. We’re here to help!